In light of the deep and multi-faceted impact of COVID 19 on our communities, we’ve decided to cancel the Clarke Cares Foundation’s annual charity golf outing for 2020. We are disappointed to do so, but know it is the right thing to do to protect the health and well-being of our golfers, sponsors, volunteers and club employees.
We hold this golf outing each year to raise money for purchasing insecticide-treated bed nets that are provided to families in Nigeria by The Carter Center. We are incredibly proud that our supporters have enabled the Clarke Cares Foundation to donate more than 263,000 mosquito bed nets in 8 years. They are life-saving tools in the fight against malaria and lymphatic filariasis.
The need for bednets to protect African families has not waned. But President Jimmy Carter has asked supporters of The Carter Center to redirect their fundraising and donation efforts to organizations providing coronavirus-related relief. The Carter Center wrote, “Forego your next gift to The Carter Center and direct it to a local group that is reducing the suffering caused by this pandemic. Each of us asks you to concentrate on the needs of your family, friends, neighbors, and all in your community. Your commitment will help stop this threat.”
In this spirit, we will be gifting the Northern Illinois Food Bank (A Feeding America organization) $10,000 to support their ongoing work to battle food scarcity and hunger in communities across Clarke’s Illinois-based service area.
Should you be interested in supporting an organization providing COVID relief, here is a link to non-profits to consider. Your own community may also have organized a list of local COVID-relief efforts too. We hope you will consider making a donation to an organization that resonates most for you.
And, save the date. We intend to hold the next Clarke Cares Foundation charity golf outing on Tuesday, August 24, 2021. We look forward to seeing you then!